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Career Development Events (CDEs)


An agricultural education program is made up of three integrated parts: Classroom instruction, FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). Through Career and Leadership Development Events, participating FFA members in grades 7 to 12 are challenged to develop critical thinking skills and effective decision-making skills, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement. CDE and LDE events occur at the local, state and national levels. (National FFA)

CDE Opportunities

Floriculture Judging Team


Livestock Judging Team

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Light Horse Judging Team

  • Coach: Ms. Rios

  • The purpose of the Light Horse Judging Career Development Event (CDE) is to provide students with new insights into equine science by evaluating and ranking horses based on breed characteristics, confirmation and performance. Participants will make accurate observations of equine, access desirable traits of horses, make logical placing decisions based on these observations, and defend their decision making process. Participants defend their decisions via oral reasons in front of industry experts. 


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Ag Welding


Ag Fabrication

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  • Coach: Mr. Martin

  • The Ag Fabrication team consists of 4 members who plan, design and build their own project for the contest. Schools are to bring their own materials and tools to the contest. The contest focuses on students designs and skills used to create a project and their ability work together within a set time limit to construct their plans.

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